Posted inSurgery

Lady relieved of massive uterine tumor of 2.2 kg

Doctors at Fortis Hospital in Noida remove massive uterine tumor from 49-year-old lady’s uterus using robot-assisted surgery.

Lady relieved of massive 2.2kg uterine tumor
The patient (L) with Dr Anjana Singh, Director & HOD, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Fortis Hospital, Noida (R)

A team of doctors at Fortis Hospital in Noida led by Dr Anjana Singh, Director and HOD of Obstetrics and Gynecology, removed a massive uterine tumor of 2.2kg from a 49-year-old woman’s uterus using robot-assisted surgery. The surgery lasted three hours and the patient was discharged in stable condition two days later.

The patient had been experiencing severe pain during her menstruation cycle, along with irregular and heavy bleeding for almost two years. An ultrasound revealed a large fibroid non-cancerous tumor measuring 17-18cm in size, which had occupied the entire abdominal area, making it extremely difficult to operate.

Dr Anjana Singh said, “The patient had been advised to undergo traditional open surgery by multiple gynecologists, but she opted for robot-assisted surgery at Fortis. The tumor had grown to the size of a watermelon, and we had to be extremely careful to save the vital organs.”

The surgery involved very little bleeding and no blood transfusion was required. The most challenging part was retrieving the heavy tumor from small incisions on the abdomen. The tumor was broken down into small pieces and removed through the incisions.

Mohit Singh, Zonal Director, Fortis Hospital Noida, said, “This was a critical and challenging case, but the surgery was successfully conducted owing to correct medical assessment and the patient was able to resume her daily routine in just one week.”

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L to R: Shirish Arya, Co-Founder and Director of Business Development and Corporate Strategy, ImmunoACT; Dr Ashutosh Raghuvanshi, MD and CEO, Fortis Healthcare; Dr Virender Yadav, Chief Medical Officer of Gurugram, and Dr Rahul Bhargava, Principal Director and Chief BMT, Fortis Memorial Research Institute.
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